We spent a lot of time figuring out how to learn on each rotation, so you don’t have to. We’ll be providing suggestions for materials to learn from for clerkships/rotations, COMAT/shelf exams and board prep. In case you haven’t noticed, the founders are both DO students, so we’ll be sure to throw in tips on the extra stuff you need to know and learn to do well on the OMM component.

Clinical skills, shelf exams, Step 2 and LORs
Starting clinical rotations can be a little scary after two years in a classroom. Tags to check out include: Third Year, Boards, COMAT, COMQUEST, Clerkships, elective, Shelf Exam / Shelf Exams, OB/Gyn, obstetrics, Rotations, OnlineMedEd, qBank

ERAS, residency interviews and The Match
You may still be on rotations, but now you have to setup your info in ERAS, choose residency programs and start the application process so you can go through The Match and have a job next year. Tags to check out include: The Match, Fourth year, level 2 / Step 2, SOAP / Scramble, ACGME Match, AOA Match, interview, MS 4 / OMS 4, rank order lists, Residency Application

All the other stuff you want to know
So anything that doesn’t fit above ends up here. Tags to check out include: Book Review, Conference, Social Media, Books, Resources, iPhone Apps, student resources
Last updated 10/2019
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